eye hospital, eye care treatment

Excellence in Eye Care

 0 281 258 5478, +91 96984 91000    +91 96984 93000
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Monday - Friday
9:30 AM to 12:30 PM, 5:30 PM to 8:00 PM
9:30 AM to 12:30 PM

Wavefront Optimization

WaveLight’s Wavefront OptimizedApproach

TheWaveLight’s Wavefront Optimized approach uses state-of-the-art technology,Wavefront Optimized ablation profiles, that are only utilized by AllegrettoWave lasers to produce superior results. Spherical aberrations are reduced orare prevented all together with the Wavefront Optimized ablation resulting inbetter night vision and reduced sensitivity to glare. Human corneas naturallyhave an aspheric shape so that all light rays meet at a focal point. TheAllegretto Wave laser performs an ablation with the goal of maintaining anatural postoperative corneal shape, and preserving corneal asphericity. Everytreatment is customized to the patient’s individual refraction and cornealcurvature.

Contoura Lasik

In 1999, doctors developed wavefront analysis, which maps the errors ofa patient’s eye as a whole. The data is programmed into the laser, resulting ina customized procedure with much better results. Contoura Vision builds on theprinciple of topography, providing a precise mapping of 22,000 points of thecornea. Traditional LASIK wave-front only maps approximately 200 points of theentire eye.


ContouraVision is the latest advancement in Specs Removal by Laser Vision Correction.While procedures like LASIK and SMILE (Small Incision Lenticule Extraction)only correct specs power, Contoura Vision goes one step further! In addition tocorrecting your specs power, Contoura Vision also corrects your cornealirregularities while working on Visual axis, thereby providing much sharpervisual outcomes, unmatched by LASIK & SMILE.

Stream Light

·        Less pain and Higher accuracy

·        It avoids the potential for ANY flap complications during treatment

·        No Touch

·        It is a ‘no touch’ procedure that makes treatment more comfortable forthe patient


·         Bladeless

·         Painless 

·         Touchless 

·         Stitchless

·         No Injections

·         No Bandage

·         No Hospitalisation



LASIK Stands for LASER IN SITU KERATOMILESIUS.It is a form of laser vision correction that is capable of correcting range of glass numbers. The procedure uses a computer controlled excimer laser to correct your vision.

Does LASIK hurt?

The treatment itself is painless because we put a few anesthetic drops in your eyes to make you even more comfortable. You will feel pressure on and around the eye during treatment. With LASIK, some patients may experience a feeling of "something in the eye" for a day or so after treatment.

Do the results from laser treatment permanent?

Yes. Most of the eye growth takes place up to the age of 18 years. After this the eye refraction tends to stabilize and not change. Lasik should be done after the stability of the glass power has occurred for at least 6 month. The results are then permanent

How do I know if I am a good candidate for LASIK?

A large percentage of nearsighted, farsighted, and astigmatic patients are potential candidates for LASIK. Patients who are 18 years of age or older, have healthy eyes that are free from retinal problems, corneal scars, and any eye disease are suitable. Along with being medically suitable, the best candidates are people with a lifestyle or occupation in which they are dissatisfied with their contact lenses or glasses. By having an evaluation, examination, and consultation with you, the doctor will be able to determine if you are a good candidate.

How long does LASIK take?

In our practice, LASIK is performed as an office procedure. The entire treatment takes about 5 to 7 minutes per eye or approximately 10-15 minutes for both eyes.

What kind of Anesthesia is used during the treatment?

Numbing eye drops are used. Sometimes an oral medication is used to help with relaxation. Don't worry - no needle or intravenous drugs are used.

Can you have both eyes treated at the same time?

Treatment can be performed on both eyes on the same day. You may elect to have one eye done at a time.

How long after laser treatment can I see?

Visual recovery after treatment is rapid. Most people achieve good vision the day after surgery and find that their eyes feel fairly normal 24 hours later. You will be able to resume your routine activities like driving, watching T.V, Reading and working on the computer within 2 days. However, your sight will improve even further, and the very best vision could take two weeks to achieve.

Will I need reading glasses after the treatment?

Generally, patients under 40 years of age read well without glasses following the treatment. Patients over 40 may need magnification for reading fine print. Presbyopia is the term that refers to the natural weakening of the focusing muscles that occurs in our early to mid 40s, causing us to need the magnification that reading glasses provide.

How soon can I use eye makeup?

You may resume wearing eye makeup starting 3-4 weeks after your treatment. We strongly recommend that you purchase new eye makeup, specifically mascara, to avoid potential infection following your treatment.

Can I get LASIK done if I am pregnant or lactating ?

NO. LASIK should be avoided during pregnancy and lactation.

How soon after the treatment can I exercise?

Non-contact sports can be resumed as soon as you feel capable. Eye protection is always recommended for racquet sports or rough sports where there is a risk of being hit in the eye.

Can I see the treatment as it is being performed?

You will be "awake" but very relaxed. You will not be able to see any of the details of the treatment. You will see a number of lights, but the images will be blurred.

Will I experience pain after the treatment?

Some patients experience a feeling of burning or scratchiness. This feeling generally lasts from one to three hours following the treatment. Most people feel fine soon after the treatment.

When can I go back to work?

Most patients are back to work full-time the day after treatment. An additional day or two is rarely required before returning to work. If you can we, recommend that you take it easy for a couple of days.

How long will it for me to work comfortably on computer after LASIK ?

Initially you should use computers for shorter durations. Slowly, the durations of use can be increased with frequent breaks in between to give rest to the eye. Religious application of lubricating drops is very essential.

Will the appearance of my eyes change after LASIK ?

NO. LASIK does not change the appearance of the eyes.

How much does LASIK cost ?

The cost of the procedure will depend upon the technique of flap-making, the results of the tests and the type of LASIK laser setting required. The total cost is explained during the counselling.

What is the Success Rate for the Lasik Procedure?

Success Rate depends on several factors, the most important being the degree of nearsightedness, farsightedness or astigmatism. Depending on the prescription, the surgeon can help determine the likelihood of reaching 20/20 Approximately 95 percent of eyes treated with LASIK reach 20/40 or better vision with one procedure, which is the requirement for driving legally without correction.


At Shraddha Eye Hospital , you can get the advantage of the very best of technology in the most experienced hands. There has been continuous process of upgradation of our software in trend with the latest developments in technology. 1.ZEISS MEL 80 EXCIMER LASER 2. ZEISS ATLAS TOPOGRAPHY 3.MORIA MICROKERATOME (SAFEST MICROKERATOME)



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